Osrs Do You Need to Feed Your Kitten
Table of Contents
- 1.0 - Introduction
- 2.0 - How to Get a Kitten
- 3.0 - Taking Care of Your Kitten
- 4.0 - Cat Growth Stages
- 5.0 - Rat Chasing
- 6.0 - Interesting Information on Kitten Care
- 7.0 - Pet Fish
- 8.0 - Pet Rock
- 9.0 - FAQ
1.0 - Introduction
One of the things players can do in RuneScape is raise pets. Some of these pets have rewards to be gained by raising them, while others are just for fun. There currently are 2 types of pets in RuneScape: Cats and Fish. There are many stages of cats you can obtain, while the fish don't really have stages of specific growth yet.
2.0 - How to Get a Kitten
To get your first kitten you must do Gertrude's Cat quest. After you do the quest, Gertrude will give you a kitten. If you lose this kitten, you can go to Gertrude and she will sell you one for 100gp.
Many people think there is no point in raising a Kitten, and they think it is just a waste of time. However, there are a couple of reasons why you would want a Kitten/Cat/Overgrown Cat.
Once your Kitten grows up into a Cat, you can trade it in for Death Runes, and those you can sell for a reasonable amount of money. Kitten and Cats can also be fun to raise if you are bored, and have nothing better to do. You can also train non-combat skills while you raise a Kitten, and once it grows up trade it in for Death Runes. Keep in mind that kittens/cats are necessary for some quests as well.
3.0 - Taking Care of Your Kitten
You must remember to care for your kitten when you have a Kitten. If you do not do one of these you may just lose your Kitten, and you will have to go back to Gertrude to buy another one.
Feeding Your Kitten
You will obviously have to feed your Kitten once in awhile. However, what does your kitten eat? Your Kitten will eat many kinds of fish. Your Kitten will eat the following:
- Raw Sardines
- Seasoned Sardines
- Raw Anchovies
- Raw Shrimp
- Raw Trout
- Cooked Trout
- Raw Salmon
- Raw Tuna
- Cooked Tuna
- Raw Lobster (maybe too expensive to feed your cat)
- Cooked Lobster (inpracticle, yet again)
- Bucket of Milk
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Making a Seasoned Sardine](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/ssardine.png)
To get a Seasoned Sardine, you will have to make it. To make it you have to buy or fish a Raw Sardine then you must find a Doogle Leaves. Once you have them both use your Doogle Leaves on the Raw Sardine. You can find Doogle Leaves behind Gertrude's House
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Location of Doogle Leaves](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/doogle.png)
You should feed your Kitten when you get a message, "I think its hungry," and if you do not, later you will get a message saying, "I think it's really hungry!" If you do get the message, "I think it's really hungry!" you should feed it right away, or it might run away.
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Cat Being Hungry](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/hungry.gif)
Give your Kitten Attention
It is good to give your kitten attention once in awhile. You do not have to but it is a good idea to give it some once in awhile. If you do not, your cat will wander off and look for some attention. Do not worry though your kitten will return in your inventory. However, ALWAYS leave at least one inventory space open when taking care of your cat, because if your kitten decided to wander off looking for attention, and you do not have an inventory space open, your pet will not return to you!
You can give your kitten attention by stroking it, or you can give him/her a ball of wool. You can get a ball of wool by getting some wool from a sheep, and then you have to spin it into a ball of wool at a spinning wheel.
Sometimes you will get a message saying, "I think it wants some attention." You will get this message when your kitten wants attention from you, no one else. If you do get this message, you should stroke it or give it a ball of wool to play with. If you do not do this, your kitten will run away, and you will have to buy a new one from Gertrude.
Strategies for Raising Your Kitten
Instead of just standing there or walking around with your Kitten or Cat, why not get some training in? Take your kitten and 3 - 4 fish, you can go train firemaking, woodcutting, fletching, smithing, smelting, magic, etc. Whenever you get the "I think it's hungry" message, feed it, and do not forget to give it some attention once in awhile. If you do not it will just wander off looking for some but it will come back.
You can also fish for swordfish and tuna with your kitten. Whenever you get the message telling you it is hungry you can feed it a Raw Tuna, and when your inventory is full except for one space, you can go and bank your fish and keep on doing this till your Kitten has grown up.
ALWAYS leave at least one inventory space open though when training, so if your Kitten/Cat does wander off looking for attention, you can get your Kitten back. If you do not leave an inventory space open, and your Kitten does wander off you may just lose your kitten forever, and you will have to buy a new one from Gertrude.
Note- You can see if you Kitten likes you buy examining it when you have picked it up
4.0 - Cat Growth Stages
After taking care of your Kitten, it will grow up to a strong beautiful Cat. After several hours of walking around with your Cat, it will grow up into an Overgrown Cat.
Kitten to Cat -To get your Kitten to grow up into a Cat you will need to spend hours taking care of your Kitten. Feed it when it says it is hungry. It is not a bad idea to stoke, or let your Kitten Play with a Ball of Wool sometimes. After your hours of taking care of your Kitten, it will grow up into a Cat. Once your Kitten does grow up you will get this message:
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Kitten Growing into a Cat](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/grown.gif)
Cat to Overgrown Cat - To get your Cat to grow up into an Overgrown Cat is easy. You do not need to feed your cat, just give it attention once in awhile. You just have to give your Cat attention. To get your Cat to grow into an Overgrown Cat just walk around with your Cat and it will grow into an Overgrown Cat, eventually.
Picture | Name | How to Obtain |
![]() | Kitten | Buy a kitten from Gertrude located just west of Varrock. |
![]() | Cat | Feed your kitten when it says it is hungry and give it attention occasionally, and when it asks for attention. |
![]() | Overgrown Cat | Let your cat walk around with you for several hours, you do not need to feed it, but giving it attention at times is appreciated by the cat |
![]() | Wiley Cat | You must have completed the Rat Catchers quest to unlock this stage. Talk to Felkrash in the Port Sarim Rat pits and she will train your Overgrown Cat into a Wiley Cat. Wiley cats can catch rats better than a regular cat. |
![]() | Lazy Cat | You must have completed the Rat Catchers quest to unlock this stage. The Lazy Cat appears if you do not train your Wiley Cat and just let it follow you around. |
![]() | Hellcat | You must have started the Evil Dave sub-quest of the Recipe for Disaster quest to unlock this stage. Have your kitten/cat kill 7 Hellrats in the basement of Evil Dave's house in Edgeville. To change it back to it's regular cat stage, feed it milk or talk to Evil Dave's mother. |
5.0 - Rat Chasing
You can get your kitten to chase rats. Many people may think chasing rats is a waste of time and pointless. Well, there is a reason for you to get your kitten to chase rats.
![]() | After your kitten catches 100 rats, you can take your Cat to Gertrude and she will be amazed; she'll give you a Cat Training Medal as a reward. |
Strategies for Rat Chasing
A good place to catch rats is in the Varrock Sewers; there are many rats down there. Do not start catching rats until you have a Cat. With a Kitten, it just takes too long to catch 100 rats. Once you get a Cat it is much faster; a Cat can get up to 10 rats in a row.
When rat-catching you will be attacked by level 1 rats. The best thing to do is to turn auto-retaliate off, so you don't kill them all. Although they will not harm you, they can be very annoying.
6.0 - Interesting Information
- Once you get a Cat or Overgrown Cat, you can go to West Ardougne and there is a Civilian there that you can trade your Cat or Overgrown Cat for 100 Death Runes. The Civilians are located on the path to The Underground Pass.
- Once in awhile your kitten/Cat will disappear. Do not worry it has only gone off to adventure around RuneScape, and do some training.
- ALWAYS leave one space open in your inventory, because if your kitten does wander off, and there is not an inventory space open your kitten will not have room to appear in your inventory and you will lose your kitten.
- While your kitten is in your inventory or bank, it will not get hungry or need attention, and the growing progress is paused.
- You can speak to your cat if you have a Amulet of Catspeak acquired from the Icthlarin's Little Helper quest.
- You cannot take your cat into minigames such as Barbarian Assault, Castle Wars and Pest Control.
7.0 - Pet Fish
Pet fish are a fairly boring pet, though they do have some cool visual's associated with them. You can have them do tricks and can speak to them.
Getting a Pet Fish
The first thing you need to do when you want a pet fish is to obtain a fishbowl. To do this you can craft one out of glass with level 42 crafting. Next you need to use the fishbowl on a water source to fill it with water so the fish has a home to move about in, then add a piece of seaweed so the fish has a comfort zone to 'hide' in.
After you've created a home for your fish, the next step is to catch the fish. Go speak to Harry in the Fishing Shop in Catherby to buy a tiny net for 10gp. Then use the tiny net on the fishing spots in the shop. You will be able to catch one of 3 types of pet fish. You can only have 1 fish per fishbowl, so if you want all 3 types of fish, you will need to prepare several fishbowls.
Types of Fish
Picture | Name | Information |
![]() | Bluefish | Bluefish are the most common fish to catch from the aquarium. |
![]() | Greenfish | Greenfish are fairly common to catch from the aquarium. |
![]() | Spinefish | Spinefish are the most uncommon fish to catch out of the aquarium. |
Feeding your Fish
Once you've gotten yourself a pet fish, the next thing you need to do is feed it. There are a few ways you can obtain fish food for your pet fish.
- Collect Fish Food out of Draynor Manor
- Make Fish Food
- Use a guam leaf and piece of seaweed with a pestle and mortar
- Use the ground guam leaf and ground seaweed with an empty box (Speak to Harry in the Fishing Shop to get)
What Your Fish Can Do
There are 3 things that you can do with your fish. You can talk to it, you can play with it, and you can use it on a pet cat for a funny reaction.
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Talking to your Fish](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/talktofish.gif)
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Playing with your Fish](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/fishplay.gif)
When you right click on your fishbowl, you can select the option to talk which then shows you holding your fishbowl and some chat appears in the chat box of what you are saying.
Also when you right click, you can choose to 'play' with your fish which is basically you tossing the bowl up and the fish jumps out of the bowl for a second.
If you 'use' your fishbowl with your pet cat, you can get a funny reaction from the fish.
![Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of your Fish's Reaction](https://2007rshelp.com/img/genimg/kittencare/fish2.png)
If you grow tired of your fish, the only thing you can do with it is drop the bowl. Fishbowls are un-tradable and there is no way to empty your fishbowl. So say your last goodbye to your fish and shatter the bowl allowing your fish to move onto the great netherworld.
8.0 - Pet Rock
To get a pet rock you must have completed The Fremennik Trials quest. Speak to Askeladden, the young Fremenik outside the beer hall. He will happily supply you with the fun packed pet that is a rock for free.
Interacting With Your Pet Rock
You surprisingly can do a lot of activities with a rock, the first being able to wield the object as a weapon - it is pretty useless however. The pet rock can also be interacted with, this includes the options: to talk with it (the rock will not reply but you do get a humorous message to read), to stroke, to fetch (acts as a sort of emote), and to stay, which the rock is very good at.
9.0 - FAQ
What does the Cat Training Medal do?
The Cat Training Medal does not do anything except look cool and prove you've killed 100 rats with your cat.
Source: https://2007rshelp.com/misc.php?id=3
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